Matt's Suicide Watch Begins
Ummm, Matt, I know you're concerned. I know you are upset. I know you've probably tore out most of your hair by now, but please, step away from the ledge. Maybe it'll work in College Station? Maybe Mike Sherman won't implode Texas A&M worse than Franchione. I'm sure the Aggies won't be looking back with fondness at the man, Fran, who last got the team to two consecutive seven win seasons, beating the stinkin' Texas University 'Horns twice in a row, ending the pompous Austinites season on the ultimate down note (glory be). The Sherm will certainly take the Aggs to new heights, right?
OK, it's bad, Matt. Really bad. But, c'mon, let's get down off the roof and have a beer and blast the fools instead? Cool?
No? How about Cold. The mountains are turning blue as we speak. OK, OK, a couple of shots too. Speaking of cold, let's get down from here. BBQ and Brewtime. And let's not talk about the Aggies.
This is probably the wrong time to mention Radmanovic took the last shot last night as well...
Hey, the Bears still need to win every game here on out to have a handi-capable's chance in hell in the Playoffs this year. Feel Better?
Glavine back to Hotlanta?
Favre over the Cowgirls?
There we go. Come on, my man. I'll buy the first round. Now,keep your eyes out for a dish, we gotta find a place with the NFL Network... ♦Digg it ♦ ♦Technorati ♦StumbleUpon ♦Google ♦Yahoo ♦reddit